
Tian Yuan has gathered elite lawyers in various fields, has more than 200 partners, more than 800 professionals, and provides customers with all-round, cross-regional, comprehensive and one-stop legal services with profound practice experience and project experience. and best business solutions.


With 30 years of experience in legal practice and continuous innovation in practice, Tian Yuan's business covers the main practice fields and emerging fields of Chinese lawyers, and maintains the level of China's top lawyers and cross-team comprehensive service capabilities in many fields. Transactions and projects and cases with great industry influence.

Insights & News

Tian Yuan lawyers keep up with the trend of the industry, focus on legal hot topics, and rely on unique perspectives and market insights to help clients understand the latest changes in the law, and use professional observation, analysis and insights to help clients make more informed business choices and decisions.

About Us

As a leading law firm with a long history and profound culture in China, Tian Yuan has always been based on legal services, constantly exploring and innovating, and has moved forward with the Chinese economy for 30 years. We have offices in 15 economically active cities in China and enjoys a high reputation in the industry.

Economic Crimes & Criminal Compliance

Criminal practice is our core business. All of our criminal lawyers graduated from top law schools at home and abroad, and dozens of them have years of working experience in courts, procuratorates and public security organs. They have strong professional competence, keen business insight, as well as great capabilities of crisis response, program coordination and client service. They keep to the service philosophy of "ingenuity, reason and sustainability", uphold the idea of refined and branded development, implement a standardized and normalized working mode, and provide clients with quality criminal legal services in business fields such as duty crimes, economic and financial crimes, cybersecurity crimes, intellectual property crimes and criminal compliance.


Based on the closely connected service network consisting of the head office in Beijing and 13 branches nationwide, our criminal lawyers have handled many nationally influential cases, and served more than 100 large state-owned enterprises and renowned private enterprises such as a state holding group limited, a financial group limited, an education technology group limited, a communications group limited and an Internet technology company limited. With strong professional competence, high service value, fast response, good service attitude and rich resources, we have achieved brilliant service results and established a superb reputation in the industry.


Work Highlights
  • Entrusted by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission’s takeover team of Anbang Insurance Group, appointed as the legal representative of the plaintiff, Anbang Insurance Group, in the case of "Wu Xiaohui's fundraising fraud and official embezzlement"
  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the case of "Sun Deshun, former executive director and president of CITIC Bank, suspected crime of acceptance of bribes of RMB 979.5 million," handled by the National Supervisory Commission, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the former chairman of a large state-owned IT industry group involved in a suspected crime of acceptance of bribes by non-state functionaries; (Released on the day of the court hearing)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a senior executive of a large cybersecurity operations group involved in a suspected crime of acceptance of bribes by non-state functionaries; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial and achieved a lighter sentence defense)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the legal representative of a company in Shanghai involved in a suspected crime of bribery to non-state functionaries; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the former head of the channel operations department of a technology company in Beijing involved in a suspected crime of official embezzlement; (Achieved a lighter sentence defense)

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a large education technology group in a crime of official embezzlement; (Successfully initiated the legal proceedings)

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a large construction engineering company in Beijing in crimes of official embezzlement and theft; (Achieved the objective of sentencing and accountability)

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a Beijing advertising and media company in a case of executive official embezzlement; (Successfully initiated the legal proceedings)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a suspected crime of official embezzlement; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a case involving over 10,000 shares of embezzled equity (valued at approximately RMB 1 billion) by a shareholder of a pharmaceutical company in Guizhou

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a case involving the misappropriation of funds worth over RMB 20 million by the actual controller of an information technology company

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the general manager of a Shanghai-based rail vehicle seating system company involved in a suspected crime of acceptance of bribes by non-state functionaries

  • Provided criminal specialized legal services for an investment company in a case of equity official embezzlement by a shareholder

  • Provided criminal specialized legal services for a financial information services company in a case of official embezzlement by an employee

  • Provided criminal specialized legal services for the executive president of a well-known domestic beauty platform involved in a suspected crime of bribery to non-state functionaries

  • Provided criminal specialized legal services for a well-known domestic training lecturer involved in a suspected crime of official embezzlement

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the operations manager of the sports department of a well-known domestic we-media platform involved in a suspected crime of official embezzlement


















  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a major investment company's actual controller involved in a case of fraudulently obtaining a bank loan of RMB 709 million; (Successfully had the case dismissed)
  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a member of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region CPPCC Committee, and the vice chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Federation of Industry and Commerce, in a case of contract fraud of RMB 500 million, with judgment of acquittal and state compensation upon refusal to satisfy the judgment; (Successfully initiated the legal proceedings)

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a listed company in a case of contract fraud of over RMB 1.48 billion; (Successfully initiated the legal proceedings)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the chairman of a Chinese company listed on the main board in Germany, suspected of contract fraud, concealing, and concealing criminal proceeds of RMB 250 million; (Achieved a non-prosecution decision)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the legal representative(s) and executive(s) of a virtual currency distributed encrypted storage technology enterprise, who were suspected of fraud and organizing and leading pyramid schemes; (Successfully had the case dismissed)

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a Chinese telecommunications company in a case of illegal loan issuance and fraudulent acquisition of RMB 890 million

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for an employee of a Chinese high-tech enterprise in the smart parking sector, who was suspected of fraud; (Achieved a lighter sentence defense)

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a large outdoor equipment limited company in a case of contract fraud of RMB 200 million

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a case involving overseas virtual currency disposal led by the Ministry of Public Security

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a BTC (Bitcoin) fraud case

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a large insurance company in an insurance fraud case

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a network car loan business involved in suspected crimes of trap loan fraud and extortion

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a contract fraud case involving over RMB 14 million; (Achieved a non-prosecution decision)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a contract fraud case involving over RMB 11 million

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the general manager of an Internet technology company involved in a suspected crime of illegal acceptance of public deposits, involving over RMB 4.8 billion

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for an Internet finance company involved in a crime of illegal fundraising of over RMB 3.2 billion

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the actual controller, Lin (fictitious name), of a P2P platform borrower involved in a suspected crime of illegal acceptance of public deposits, involving over RMB 2 billion

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the Chief Operating Officer of an Internet financial information platform involved in a suspected crime of illegal acceptance of public deposits, involving over RMB 710 million

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for an executive of an investment management company involved in a suspected crime of illegal acceptance of public deposits, involving tens of billions of RMB

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the assistant to the president of a wealth investment management company involved in a suspected crime of illegal acceptance of public deposits, involving over RMB 400 million

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the legal representative of a real estate brokerage company in Hangzhou involved in a suspected crime of illegal acceptance of public deposits, involving over RMB 300 million; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for an employee of a financial services company involved in a suspected crime of illegal acceptance of public deposits; (Achieved a non-prosecution decision)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the senior director of a technology limited liability company involved in a suspected crime of illegal operation, involving over RMB 4 billion

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a large-scale study abroad institution involved in a suspected crime of illegal operation in foreign exchange, with the involved amount reaching tens of billions of RMB; (Achieved a non-prosecution decision)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the financial director of a trading company in Beijing involved in a suspected crime of illegal operation; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a Chinese communication company that suffered damage to its commercial reputation; (Successfully initiated the legal proceedings)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the major shareholder of a technology joint-stock company in Shenzhen involved in a suspected crime of market manipulation



























  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a copyright infringement case; (This is the second case in Beijing to be sentenced based on the number of page views)
  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a medical group under a certain industrial fund in a case of counterfeiting a registered trademark; (Successfully accepted)

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for the crime of infringing trade secrets; This is the first case of its kind in the district; (Achieved the objective of sentencing and accountability)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the crime of suspected counterfeiting of registered trademarks; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided criminal specialized legal services for a digital publishing group limited company in a case of copyright infringement

  • Provided criminal specialized legal services for a software engineering limited company in Beijing in a case of copyright infringement

  • Provided criminal defense legal services in a case of copyright infringement

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for the victim, a technology company based in Beijing, in a case of computer information system sabotage







  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the general manager of a technology company in Beijing involved in a suspected crime of issuing false VAT special invoices; (This case was transferred from the State Administration of Taxation and involves an amount of several billion RMB)
  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a suspected crime of issuing false VAT special invoices; (This is a particularly significant case nationwide)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a senior executive of a company in Beijing involved in a suspected crime of issuing false VAT special invoices; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the financial director of a subsidiary of a state-owned enterprise involved in a suspected crime of tax evasion, involving over RMB 100 million; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for personnel of a technology company involved in a suspected crime of issuing false VAT special invoices; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the financial personnel of a technology company in Beijing involved in a suspected crime of issuing false VAT special invoices; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the supervisor of a technology company in Beijing involved in a suspected crime of issuing false VAT special invoices; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a suspected crime of issuance of false VAT special invoices; (No criminal liability pursued)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a suspected crime of issuance of false VAT special invoices; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a certain group company in Hebei province in a suspected crime of issuance of false VAT special invoices

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for an employee of a technology company in Beijing in a suspected crime of issuance of false VAT special invoices

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for the legal representative and executives of a certain group in a suspected crime of issuance of false VAT special invoices

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for an employee of a certain technology company in a suspected crime of issuance of false VAT special invoices

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for an investment group company in Hebei in a suspected crime of issuance of false VAT special invoices

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a suspected crime of issuance of false VAT special invoices


  • Provided specialized legal services on criminal compliance for a pharmaceutical group corporation; (Successfully changed the nature of "constituting a unit crime")
  • Provided legal services on criminal compliance for a technology company in Beijing; (Compliance non-prosecution)

  • Provided legal services on criminal compliance for a construction supervision company in Yancheng; (Compliance non-prosecution)

  • Provided specialized legal services on criminal compliance for a limited liability company in Hunan; (Compliance non-prosecution)

  • Provided specialized legal services on criminal compliance for a renowned domestic logistics enterprise

  • Provided specialized legal services on criminal compliance for an automotive finance company in Beijing

  • Provided specialized legal services on criminal compliance for a well-known domestic traditional Chinese medical and health care service provider

  • Provided specialized legal services for criminal compliance to a leading Internet company

  • Provided specialized legal services for criminal compliance to a large education technology group

  • Provided specialized legal services for criminal compliance to a major fund management company

  • Provided specialized legal services for criminal compliance to an information technology limited company











  • Provided criminal defense services for a case involving the legal representative of a demolition company in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, who was suspected of leading a mafia-like gang, fraud, illegal mining, illegal occupation of agricultural land, unit bribery, forced transactions, official embezzlement, provocation and troublemaking, and accepting bribes by non-state functionaries; (A significant criminal gang case in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, successfully cracking down on the criminal gang)
  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a case involving provocation and troublemaking, bribery, and gather-gambling; (A significant criminal gang case in Yancheng, Jiangsu)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a case involving provocation and troublemaking; (A criminal gang case in Panjin, Liaoning Province)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a case involving the suspected crime of operating a gambling establishment; (Successfully obtained bail pending trial)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services in a case involving suspected bid-rigging, forced transaction, false issuance of special VAT invoices, concealment of crime proceeds, and crime proceeds income

  • Provided criminal defense legal services in a case involving suspected concealment of crime proceeds, and crime proceeds income

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a case involving the crime of opening a gambling establishment






  • Provided criminal defense legal services for the president of a certain association in Jiangsu Province, who was suspected of forced indecency crime; (Successfully changed the charge to a minor offense)
  • Offered criminal specialized legal services for a large communication group company involved in a case of damaged business reputation; (Successfully initiated the legal proceedings)

  • Provided criminal defense legal services in a case involving a suspected crime of breach of trust and damage to the interests of a listed company

  • Provided specialized criminal legal services for a defendant involved in a case of false accusation

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a case involving a suspected crime of illegal acquisition of state secrets

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a case involving a suspected crime of buying and selling of official documents and certificates of state organs

  • Provided criminal defense legal services for a case involving a suspected crime production and sale of toxic and harmful food







  • Provided legal services for a RMB 7 billion equity acquisition dispute for a real estate company
  • Provided legal services for a domestic investment dispute involving a large outdoor equipment manufacturing enterprise, including litigation at the Fujian Higher People's Court and arbitration at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre

  • Provided legal services for a copyright infringement and unfair competition dispute case involving a cultural technology company in Beijing

  • Provided specialized legal services for a trademark infringement case concerning a luxury brand's Chinese subsidiary

  • Provided legal services for an arbitration dispute between a Hong Kong company and a domestic entity regarding a valuation adjustment mechanism agreement

  • Provided legal services for an arbitration dispute related to a hotel management contract between a company and a Malaysian corporation

  • Provided legal services for handling a fraud dispute involving independent guarantee letters between a company and Iran's Bank of Industry and Mine (Tehran)



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